Cornwall Heritage Trust (CHT) may give financial support for transport to enable primary schools to make visits to heritage sites or undertake visits which have a purpose of developing awareness and appreciation of Cornish heritage.
Your application must detail the way the children will learn about Cornwall’s heritage through this visit.
- Grant applications can be submitted up to four months in advance and must be received within a fortnight of the date of the trip. Please note, we are not able to fund trips retrospectively.
- CHT funding is not available to meet administration or teacher costs.
- CHT’s ability to give support depends on the funds that it has at its disposal at any one time and the extent to which the application supports heritage education.
In return for a grant, CHT expects the following:
- An article or report from the trip for our newsletter and website along with a full size photograph/picture and text suitable for use on social media; schools are responsible for ensuring that all images sent to CHT have been passed for safeguarding and child protection considerations.
Please note the grant funds will not be paid until these are received- The name and logo of CHT must appear on project-related publications.
- We expect public acknowledgement of the support CHT has given e.g. on your newsletter, social media and website. Please tag us if using social media.
- CHT leaflets and stickers are given to all participating children and adults.
- We consider grant applications at any time during the year.
- We have a fixed budget each year.
- We keep a record of grant applications over the year.
- Schools may apply as many times as they wish, but only once for a single class in any financial year.
- Funds must be claimed within one month of the date of the trip due to the high level of demand for support.
- An article or report from the trip for our newsletter and website along with a full size photograph/picture and text suitable for use on social media; schools are responsible for ensuring that all images sent to CHT have been passed for safeguarding and child protection considerations.
- This form is for School Transport grant applications.
- Make your request concise.
- Include further details as necessary as an addendum.
- Complete all sections.
- The Trustees’ decision is final.
Our School Transport Grants Scheme Sponsor
Our partnership with Cornish Lithium makes this scheme possible. The grants that Cornwall Heritage Trust provide towards a school’s travel to places of heritage interest are such a valuable resource to schools, and Cornish Lithium’s support really makes a difference.