For some time we have been collecting information on the commemorative plaques found around Cornwall with the aim of creating a database of as many as possible of the existing plaques and where to find them. We are adding to the database all the time and would appreciate information and photographs of any that we are missing. We also have details of some plaques but no photos, so if you are able to fill that gap we would be very grateful.
We would love to add to the collection, please get in touch and email us with a photo and details of any plaques that you spot during walks around Cornwall. Alternatively, you can complete our online submission form and upload your photo from here.
In the meantime, please take a look at the plaques we have “collected” so far; the database is searchable by buildings, objects, people or sites and clicking on the images will give you details on the location of the plaque and its inscription. Enjoy!
Pobel a Gernow Plaques Scheme
The Pobel a Gernow Plaques Scheme is a new initiative which aims to recognise and celebrate the achievements of people who have made unique contributions to Cornwall’s history.
This scheme is a partnership initiative of Cornwall Heritage Trust, Gorsedh Kernow and the Federation of Old Cornwall Societies.
The people chosen to feature on plaques will be nominated by members of the public and we would love to hear from as many of you as possible!