The recording of Peter Herring’s Story Cafe about the cutting, saving and use of turf as the principal household fuel on Bodmin Moor is now available to watch on our Youtube Channel.
The talk by Peter Herring was fascinating. The Zoom event was fully booked and we had lots of questions and engagement from the audience watching on Facebook.
Peter talked about his research into this practice, which he carried out in partnership with Tony Blackman, former Chair of Cornwall Heritage Trust.
Peter is one of our new Trustees, and brings to the Trust his extensive knowledge and expertise as a landscape archaeologist, historian and characteriser. He worked with Historic England on championing historic characterisation approaches to place and landscape and managing expert teams undertaking research on historic places. Peter’s work with Cornwall Council included leading the historic environment policy and partnerships team, including the Historic Environment Record.
Watch the recording of the Story Cafe to learn more about this fascinating subject.
The publications mentioned in Peter’s talk are available at:
The Bodmin Moor : An archaeological survey Volume 1 The Human Landscape to 1860, can be downloaded here:
Volume Two is available to purchase at :
The Bodmin Moor : An archaeological survey Volume Two The industrial and post-medieval landscapes
Thank you to Cornwall Community Foundation for helping to fund Cornwall Heritage Trust’s virtual story cafe series.