On October 20th, 1937, The fishing boat Rosebud PZ87 left Newlyn for Westminster Pier with a petition to the Minster of Health to save Newlyn from Penznace Town Council’s sweeping housing clearance scheme. The petition attracted great national attention. It was partially successful and demolition was later stopped by the advent of World War II. Newlyn is now a conservation area.
The crew were Newlyn fishermen C.H.B. Richards, W. Richards, B.G. Batten, J.P. Harvey, J.S. Matthews, W. Roberts, J. Simons, J.H.Tonkin, W.H. Williams.
This plaque was erected by the Newlyn Association and unveiled by the surviving sons and daughters of the crew on October 20th 1987.
Fight the good fight with all thy might, Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right. Hymn sung as the Rosebud left Newlyn.